Inter Schools Jumping
7th January
11th February
3rd March (Finals)
best 3 scores plus final to count for league
Competitions will start 10.30 am
Entries €20
Late entries and entries on the day are accepted where possible
Withdrawals: No refunds after close of entries
Classes | All classes run American Style |
55’s | Second round Optimum Time |
65’s | Second round Optimum Time |
75’s | Second round against the clock |
85’s | Second round against the clock |
95’s | Second round against the clock |
3 or 4 riders from any height
Riders should jump at their usual competitive height
Results based on best 3 scores from 1st rd + best 3 scores from 2nd
2nd Rd timed in the case of tied faults
Handicap for OT riders times if on team
Open to Primary and Secondary Riders
Small numbers = amalgamation into 1 team competition
All classes are Individual as well – placings 1-6 every show
If a rider wishes to jump 2 heights on the same day, please specify with entry which height is team height